It pains me to admit that my husband is right…”Multi~Tasking is a Myth!” While listening to the opening address at a leadership conference last month, my mind wandered to my son’s deadline for college acceptances. While listening, I drafted an email to him. After the address, we were directed to discuss the learning with the person sitting beside us. I drew a blank and couldn’t think of what to say. This experience prompted me to consider: How effective am I when I’m doing more than one task at the same time?! The truth is…I’m not (effective or productive)! Does this ever happen to you?
NOW is the time to stop and question: Does my “busyness” serve me? And WHY are we so proud of our bloated To Do lists and stellar multi tasking skills?
What I know for sure is that the multi tasking myth must be addressed so I’ve reached out to my wise friend Hazel Navias Alterman. Her “…immediate response is that it’s (really) about mindfulness, or the lack thereof. What you’re describing is… we are so busy multi-tasking that we do nothing with our full attention, and we lose the moment. We are no longer present for any of it, therefore losing out on all of it. ~ Hazel
My husband’s gripe is that “nothing gets done properly”. It’s all about focus. “When multi-tasking, we actually diminish our productivity. Please share your thoughts on Multi Tasking and how you cope with your busy life. I look forward to hearing your advice.