About Roseanne

Roseanne has been coaching since 2005, facilitating breakthroughs for clients from Hearst, Polo Ralph Lauren, Scholastic, Time, Inc., Google, Bristol Meyers, Pace, UBS, as well as business owners, entrepreneurs, and non profit executives.
She has also shared her knowledge of work readiness and the job search process with hundreds of program participants as the job search coach for both Yonkers (Riverfront) public library and Mamaroneck’s Youth Employment Service office since 2010 and as a teacher and board member with Larchmont Mamaroneck Center for Continuing Education.

Multi Tasking is a Myth

It pains me to admit that my husband is right…”Multi~Tasking is a Myth!”  While listening to the opening address at a leadership conference last month, my mind wandered to my son’s deadline for college acceptances.  While listening, I drafted an email to him.  After the address, we were directed to discuss the learning with the person sitting beside us. I drew a blank and couldn’t think of what to say.  This experience prompted me to consider: How effective am I when I’m doing more than one task at the same time?!  The truth is…I’m not (effective or productive)!  Does this ever happen to you?

NOW is the time to stop and question: Does my “busyness” serve me? And WHY are we so proud of our bloated To Do lists and stellar multi tasking skills?  

Hazel and I in NYC

Hazel and I in NYC

What I know for sure is that the multi tasking myth must be addressed so I’ve reached out to my wise friend Hazel Navias Alterman.  Her “…immediate response is that it’s (really) about mindfulness, or the lack thereof. What you’re describing is… we are so busy multi-tasking that we do nothing with our full attention, and we lose the moment. We are no longer present for any of it, therefore losing out on all of it. ~ Hazel

My husband’s gripe is that “nothing gets done properly”. It’s all about focus. “When multi-tasking, we actually diminish our productivity.  Please share your thoughts on Multi Tasking and how you cope with your busy life.  I look forward to hearing your advice.

The Art of Meaningful Conversation at Networking Events

speakLast week’s burning question was how to start a meaningful conversation at a networking event.   What’s meaningful? According to my clients, who I met at  NAPW’s Global Networking Conference in New York, it’s a conversation that leads to a new business or client relationship.

The coaching moved towards the art of asking questions because the way you ask (a question) determines the response you receive and whether your encounter leads to further discussion or ends with your initial encounter.   The first step to having a meaningful conversation anywhere is being curious.

Be genuinely interested in meeting those you encounter.  Good networking is about building relationships first.  Without mutual trust, affection, curiosity, or interest…business will not follow.  Too often, we focus on our agenda and the “positive outcome” we want for ourselves rather than building relationships.  I agreed to send my Powerful Question guidelines to deepen their learning around effective networking which starts with the art of asking questions.  As I re-read the guidelines, I was struck by how useful these tips are so I’m sharing them with you as well.  Here goes…

Effective questions:

  • Evoke clarity, action, discovery, insight, or commitment.
  • Are direct (best way to get the information you want)
  • Open up the dialogue
  • Do not elicit a yes or no answer
  • Are short
  • May stop the conversation. If this happens, be silent. Give the other person time to collect their thoughts and respond.  You will be amazed with what you learn when you create the open space for someone else to share.

Limit why questions so others don’t feel defensive. When you start with why, responses are more likely to be full of justification rather than exploration.

What’s your most powerful question? Please share. Let’s keep the Meaningful Conversation going by asking the right questions and waiting for answers with genuine curiosity.  Email me for a complete list of my Powerful Question guidelines.  Happy Networking!

What’s So Important About Branding Yourself Online?

I thought I was a marketing expert until I met my SEO Expert Darren Hughes.  After all, I spent over 20 years in marketing and advertising working for world class companies.  Plus I graduated from UT, Austin with a degree in marketing.  That was then and this is now…when the need to learn 21st century online branding strategy is what will define continued success.

In the spirit of full transparency and paying it forward…I am sharing Darren’s branding advice.  Now you know why I’m blogging and you should too!

Being #1 Texas Style

Being #1 Texas Style

“The reason why I speak a lot about the importance of blogging and social media presence is because we really need to improve your brand image.

In order to do business online (generate awareness among potential clients), you don’t just need traffic, but you also need to be able to convince your target audience that you are the number 1 option.

A really effective way of doing this is by showing you as a thought-leader worth investing time and money in. If we’re able to do this, you will find that it’s much easier not only to generate web traffic, but also to convert it into paying customers. Things like writing great content on your blog, and on social media platforms is a cost-effective way of achieving this.” Darren Hughes ~ SEO Expert

I hope Darren’s advice helps your branding efforts and isn’t too overwhelming.  Just know that if you do feel overwhelmed, you’re not alone.  Here’s what my very talented Health Coach and friend Nancy Weiser has to say:

“…it’s a lot: not only do we have to be great at what we do at work and at home but you have to be “the number 1 option” and “a thought leader…write great content on your blog and on social media platforms…Sounds like super-Superwoman!”

Please let me know if your interested in joining me for What’s Next for Your Business – a group coaching experience to learn best practices from experts like Daren and fellow participants so you can become the Superwoman~Business man you’re meant to be!

What’s Your Process for Finding a New Job?

Are you at a crossroads in your professional life? Say yes and feel confident knowing that you’re not alone! Do you have a process for getting to what’s next for you? If so, please share.

Finding a new job

If not or you’re willing to hear another path then tune in to learn from my friend Bill who really knows how to jump start a job search. This weekend I spent a few hours with my friend who sent me a cryptic message asking for advice. The net net was he appreciated my ability to see things about his experience that wasn’t clear to him and make a stronger sell for his dream job. I learned some valuable tips on how to organize your job search process that I’m passing along to you now:

1. Get real on your current Situation. Separate your fears of what may happen from what’s actually happening. Stop worrying about whether you are going to get that promotion or lose your job. Instead, start planning your next career move by considering all your options from changing jobs, securing a promotion, getting re-energized where you are OR lining up consulting work to bridge the $ gap between permanent positions.

2. Be Prepared! Knowing that I’m a career development coach, Bill (name changed to protect identity) asked me to prepare him for a job interview. He “wanted to make sure he was doing the best job possible telling his story in a compelling fashion and addressing the soft spots in a solid way”. We spent a few hours strategizing how to present his experience and career goals to his advantage. You can do this too.

3. Get Organized! I was so impressed with his process that I’m sharing it so you can move forward effectively with your job search. Here’s what Bill did and does:

  • Created and maintains a comprehensive spread sheet that lists each person he has met or plans to contact.
  • List key information such as appointments, contact information, notes, next steps, etc.
  • Make a DAC for Every Important Meeting! Steal this idea – use an outline to prep for important meetings both in-person and especially phone conversations. His DAC (Discuss~Ask~Communicate) outline will help you organize your thoughts before contacting a prospective employer for each component:

– Discuss – List topics you want to cover
– Ask – Note questions you want answered
– Communicate – List your discussion points in priority order.

Now you can relax while you interact with key contacts confident that you won’t forget what you want to ask or tell them. What an awesome process! Please let me know how this advice worked for you and share your job search process tips here by emailing me at roseanne@whatsnextclub.com.


Creating a Modern~Electronic Resume

Is Your Resume a Dinosaur_How do you Create a Modern~Electronic Resume? It’s easier than you think.  It’s no longer necessary to ruminate over words to describe your experience and accomplishments.  An effective resume is one passes through the digital divide to be seen by the hiring or HR manager. What’s most important now is to make sure your resume is “readable” to a computer scanner.

“…When a position opens at a company that uses resume-scanning software, the computer system is programmed to search the 

resumes received for specific keywords pertaining to that position.  Job seekers who submit resumes with the greatest number of matching keywords will be considered for interviews.  A growing number of employers will only look at “extracted” resumes – a blunt, skeletal summary of the content of your resume.  Complete resumes are not reviewed until the majority of applicants have been eliminated.” Excerpted from NYS Department of Labor’s brochure entitled “Is Your Resume a Dinosaur?

Will your resume pass through the digital divide?  Here’s five steps to creating a resume that will:

  1. Plan your next career move by identifying a few jobs that appeal to you.
  2. Download each of the job descriptions and identify the key words that describe the position’s requirements.
  3. Next, “Inventory” your work experience, accomplishments, and education (E,A,E).
  4. Compare the two lists, select the job description key words that match your E,A,E and copy them into the experience section of your resume (when, where, and if it fits to write your resume).  Take care to only use the key words from the job description that are true for you.
  5. Now quantify and qualify every job blurb you include to personalize your resume.

For example, if you were a bank teller at Chase and you want to work at Citibank. Go online and google “Citibank bank teller job description”.

  • Cut and paste the Citibank job description bullets into your resume template and edit to personalize your experience taking care to keep the Citi job description key words.
  • Now customize the blurbs to include your accomplishments and responsibilities such as number of employees you trained, average number of customers served per shift, average dollar transactions per shift, and/or managerial responsibilities.
  • Note any awards or special recognition such as employee of the month or top seller awards

This is your chance to set yourself a part from the competition by showing the depth of your experience.  If you want step – by – step guidance on creating your resume then sign up for my Creating an Effective Resume class at The Center for Continuing Education in Westchester, NY (Larchmont/Mamaroneck) this Thursday, March 27 at 9:30.  Click here for details or contact me, career coach Roseanne, at roseanne@whatsnextclub.com.



Hey, what’s your pssst?

I was so inspired last weekend at a workshop I participated in called The Bigger Game®.  Co founder, Rick Tamlyn’s bigger game inspires people to be their best and he’s amazing at it.  Being in a room of 18 people dedicated to finding their compelling purpose inspired me to dig deeper and ask “What am I about?” Yes, really…what nourishes and sustains me as I get through the daily grind of work, community, home, raising teenagers, friends, loving my husband unconditionally, time for me and our dog George?

How rewarding to play The Bigger Game® for two days and win by defining my hunger for a fulfilling life – a life filled with meaning and purpose – JUST for me…NOT my husband or kids.  A seemingly obvious personal mission statement but not for this mom who spends too much time worrying about where her son is and whether he’s SAFE…whatever that means.

So this guided conversation/blog post/declaration is the beginning of something big for me…birthing my own curriculum.  Announcing The Your Ordinary Self is Enough Platform.

My bold action is to help thousands of people like you believe that you have talent to realize because you’re amazing just the way you are.  So I leave you with this question to get your quest to love your ordinary self started…What’s your pssst (passion~skills~talent)?

Please let me know by emailing  roseanne@whatsnextclub.com.  Join the conversation and let me know how you plan to celebrate what’s easy for you.